Freight & Parcel Carriers to and from the Isle of Man, providing reliable, effective shipping and distribution solutions to and from the Isle of Man...


We operate a strict regime of replacement and repair of all our fleet together with a regular review of our expansion programme in both the UK and the Isle of Man. This philosophy ensures that customers’ goods can be shipped to and from the Island with that extra degree of confidence.



Why Island Express?

Offering a safe and efficient haulage and delivery service between an offshore island and its mainland links requires a dedicated, highly trained and professional team. If you are shipping freight or parcels to or from the Isle of Man you can be assured that with Island Express your shipment will receive detailed care from its experienced team of drivers who are collecting and delivering goods throughout the UK and the Isle of Man on a daily basis.


Island Express:
Units 48D&E,
Spring Valley
Industrial Estate
Isle of Man

Tel: 01624 661000
Fax: 01624 661369
ExIsle Casting & Film Facility Agency • St Georges House • 1st Floor • Ports of Call • Bay View Road • Port St Mary • IM9 5AE
Telephone: 01624 835 100 or 07624 415096 (mobile) • Email: